Daniella Silver

Hi, my name is Daniella Silver and I have three kids and live in Overland Park, Kansas. Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a teacher. After going to college, I received my teaching credential and masters degree.  Following several years as a teacher, I later became an educational consultant. Once my kids got to school age, I decided to take a break from the education world and go back to school to focus on a different passion of mine: health, wellness and nutrition. As a child I was chronically sick with severe asthma and allergies (and other conditions), when I first went to college I changed how I ate and learned the incredible lesson of how capable our bodies are to heal itself, if nourished properly. I became an Integrative Holistic Health Consultant for a Functional MD and then later for two birth centers. One of the most profound experiences of my life was being able to work with pregnant/nursing moms and “mama” the mamas. I taught nutrition, breastfeeding and plant based cooking classes, did one on one nutrition consultations, facilitated moms groups and installed car seats. I then got my trauma informed yoga teacher and healer certification and started to lead New Moon Meditation, Music and Movement gatherings. 

I was getting ready to launch my health and wellness business and start teaching “Forest Yoga” when covid hit in 2020 and instead, I started to homeschool my children. Since then I have been homeschooling and tutoring as a reading specialist. I have a deep yearning to continue back with my yoga/health and wellness path. Learning how to bring all these different facets together has been my journey as of late. I know my hands want to be a part of people’s healing. I know I want to nourish people with my love, hugs and cooking. I want to teach people the healing properties of the plants and how to really connect, cook with them and take them in. My heart wants to deeply connect to souls and hold space for them, for myself, on our healing path. I know my body wants to move, stretch, heal, and expand. After having two major falls this year, flowing through constant body pain, I have learned how much my body yearns for stillness and my presence. The kitchen is where my art truly resides. I love the healing that comes from cooking veggies, the plant medicine from the earth, using spices and herbs to create layers of flavor that can be felt by all the senses, throughout the body. I know that I have been working with plants, herbs, childbirth, teaching and healing for many lifetimes. I’m a cancer, the “mama of the zodiac” and feel honored and called to be able to feel, love, teach and nourish others.

For me, yoga has proven to be more than movement. It has been a vehicle for the inner workings and quiet questions of my heart to find an answer. It has been about the body, mind, heart, and soul coming into alignment.